DMCA | Advanced Takedown Tool | SHA1 Filter | Stay Down Obligation
DDOWNLOAD offers “ATT – Advanced Takedown Tool” as an enhanced scheme given to selected associates in order to fight breaches of copyright laws swiftly and effectively. All specifications of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act –DMCA (1998) are covered by the ATT.
To enable rapid removal of abusive content or copyright violations a standard form is used. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Notice and Guideline Procedure
All DMCA procedures will be followed by DDOWNLOAD to ensure the rights of copyright holders are enforced. Once a Takedown Notice is received, DDOWNLOAD will remove or disable the contravening/offending material within 24 hours. The legal process is to complete and send a Takedown Notice will all information that is required. A confirmation note that your Takedown Notice is justifiable will be sent to you. If further information is needed in order to progress with your request, you will be contacted at the e-mail address provided.
DDOWNLOAD will continue to enhance the process of Takedown to meet all legal obligations. To achieve this goal the Takedown form is the only way notices can be approved and processed.
The benefit of the Takedown notice form:
- Competent handling and avoidance of copyright violation
- Smooth handling, easy to use submission method.
- Swifter processing of requested Takedown.
- Enhanced documentation and notices.
DMCA Guidelines
DDOWNLOAD is an Internet Service Provider under Titlel of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C Sections 512 (“DMCA“)Below is an outline of DDOWNLOAD’s policies in relation to notices and Takedown notices as recommended by DMCA. The information applies to all copyrights/trademarks and owners of these protected properties interested in using this program, along with services users wanting to restore files that have been inadvisably removed.
The legal procedure provided by DMCA, when requested, will ensure that any Internet Service Provider (ISP) will remove access to a website where copyrighted works belonging to you appear without your permission. This procedure has two parts:
- (1) Completing a proper Takedown Notice form.
Counter Notification
If users downloading or using materials believe that their use is legal they should send a Proper Counter-notification in order to recover access. DDOWNLOAD will adhere to the relevant provisions of the DMCA in the case a counter notification is received.All claims of copyright violations on or regarding this site should be sent to the designated copyright representative.
DDOWNLOAD (DDOWNLOAD) respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, the text of which may be found on the U.S. Copyright Office website at, DDOWNLOAD will respond expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement committed using the DDOWNLOAD service and/or the DDOWNLOAD website (the Site) if such claims are reported to DDOWNLOAD'S Designated Copyright Agent identified in the sample notice below. If you are a copyright owner, authorized to act on behalf of one, or authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright, please report alleged copyright infringements taking place on or through the Site by completing the following DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement and delivering it to DDOWNLOAD's Designated Copyright Agent. Upon receipt of Notice as described below, DDOWNLOAD will take whatever action, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate, including removal of the challenged content from the Site.
DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement (Notice)
Identify the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed, or - if multiple copyrighted works are covered by this Notice - you may provide a representative list of the copyrighted works that you claim have been infringed.
Identify the material or link you claim is infringing (or the subject of infringing activity) and to which access is to be disabled, including at a minimum, if applicable, the URL of the link shown on the Site or the exact location where such material may be found.
Provide your company affiliation (if applicable), mailing address, telephone number, and, if available, email address.
Include both of the following statements in the body of the Notice:
- I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use).
- I hereby state that the information in this Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of, the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that is allegedly infringed.
Provide your full legal name and your electronic or physical signature.
Deliver this Notice, with all items completed, to DDOWNLOAD's Designated Copyright Agent: